Our Goal is Neutral Carbon!

Stating that the primary principle of achieving sustainability goals is the circular economy, experts define the circular economy as an economic system that focuses on the elimination of waste and the continuous use of resources. In this context, circular economy, which divides circular economy into the principles of “preventing waste and pollution”, “keeping products and materials in use” and “rebuilding natural systems”, has become a subject that we will hear and address frequently in the coming years. In this context, the studies and findings of many researchers shed light on us in order to protect our future.

As Istanbul Energy, we participated in the International Circular Economy Conference, hosted by Yeditepe University for the second time this year. The first day of the program, which started at Yeditepe University İnan Kıraç Conference Hall, focused on the work of the private and public sectors on circular economy practices, while the second day included presentations by expert academics.

The concept of circular economy, which focuses on not producing waste in principle, is based on the idea that the products produced can be recycled afterwards. Yeditepe University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Fatma Yeşim Ekinci, Presidential Economic Policies Board Member Dr.

Hakan Yurdakul, Turkcell Human Resources Assistant General Manager Ali Rıza Esmen, IKEA Store Manager Akın Ajlan Akcabelen, UN SDSN Turkey Coordinator Bahar Özay, Istanbul Energy General Manager Yüksel Yalçın, Şişecam Environmental Sustainability Manager Ali Efe Çağlayan, academicians and many students attended the conference.

Our Goal is Neutral Carbon!

Yüksel Yalçın, our General Manager, explained in detail the effects of carbon emissions on the climate and gave information about renewable energy sources and their applications.

Emphasizing the important issues on how we should protect our future and our world, Yalçın stated that our goal can be achieved by preventing carbon emissions within the framework of strategic plans to be made by local governments, private sector and households.

By 2050, all buildings should switch to renewable energy.

“The lighting of the common areas of the buildings and elevators should be done from the solar power plants established. ” Yalçın explained the targets of Yeditepe University and talked about the methods of using energy efficiently and saving energy. At the same time, Yalçın stated that our Silivri Seymen Biomass Energy Production Facility, which is a signature project of Istanbul Energy, is a facility that can be described as an energy base both theoretically and practically, and invited students and academicians to examine our facility on site.

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