“The Age of Sustainable Technologies, a Society Capable of Producing Its Own Resources”

The 16th Istanbul Informatics Congress, organized by the Informatics Association of Turkey, was held on November 29, 2022 at Bahçeşehir University Beşiktaş Campus with the theme of “The Age of Sustainable Technologies, A Society Capable of Producing Its Own Resources”.

The “Smart Cities Istanbul’s Technology Vision” panel held within the scope of the congress was moderated by Dr. Naim Erol Özgüner, Head of IT Department of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and IBB Technology Coordinator Melih Gecek, Istanbul Energy General Manager Yüksel Yalçın, İsbak General Manager Mesut Kızıl, İsttelkom General Manager Yücel Karadeniz participated as speakers.

As Istanbul Energy, a detailed speech was made by combining our fields of activity with the theme of smart city in the panel “Smart Cities Istanbul’s Technology Vision”. He touched upon Istanbul Energy’s collaborations with universities and advised students to specialize in energy technologies. Emphasizing the acceleration of the transition to renewable energy in the name of sustainability, Yalçın explained that the change starts in our closest home.

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